Taking Action采取行动

When you are confronted with an ethical dilemma, it is your responsibility to TAKE ACTION. This decision-making model can help you assess whether or not a particular action is the right thing to do. Keep in mind that not taking action is itself an action that can have serious consequences.


ACTION Decision-Making Model

Act Responsibly勇于承担责任

Has someone taken responsibility?还有其他人要负责吗?

Do you have all the information you need?你有足够的信息吗?

Has the information been clarified?信息清楚吗?

Consider our Ethical Principles考虑我们的道德原则

Does the action foster Respect and trust?所采取的行动是鼓励尊敬和信任吗?

Does it reflect Integrity? Promote Teamwork?对正直有影响吗?能提升团队合作吗?

Does it demonstrate Quality, Innovation, and Citizenship?能证明质量,创新以及职责和权力吗?

Trust your Judgment相信自己的判断

Is the action fair?这个行动公平吗?

Does it feel comfortable?感觉舒服吗?

Is it the right thing to do?正确吗?

Could it be shared publicly?能和大家分享吗?

I dentify Impact on Stakeholders判断对相关人员的影响

Does the action positively impact the Employee? Team? Supplier? Customer? Company? Shareholders? Public? 这个行动对员工、团队、供应商、客户、公司、股东、公众等有正面的影响吗?

Obey the Rules遵纪守法

Does the action comply with:这个行动符合以下这些吗:

The law?法律

Company policy?公司政策

Regulatory agency requirements?管理层的要求

Customer requirements?客户要求

Notify Appropriate Persons通报相应的人

Has communication been open and honest?沟通是否公开以及诚实?

Have potential problems been disclosed?潜在问题吗?

Taking Action采取行动